2010 Yong Kyun Shin

Current position:

Own lines Kenney Shin, YKS and Alogon

concept title:

The extremes of optical effects


Yong Kyun’s work was inspired by the continual, repetitive patterns in optical art, developed with contrasting colours such as black and white. Experimenting with different techniques to integrate into outfits, in search of a single element that through repetition would enable him to explore shape and form, while referencing optical effects. Eventually selecting duckbill hair clips as material of choice. Through the time consuming process that confirms meticulous manual abilities, individually ‘upholstering’ hundreds of hair clips (using different fabrics going from leather to wool), joining them together to form his silhouettes. A display of extraordinary patterns and shapes.



quick facts:

Ha vestito la famosa cantante islandese Bjork per il Biophilia tour del 2013.
